Albuquerque Grand Senior Living, Sacred Patterns Acupuncture, Dr. Moser, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Presentation
Albuquerque Grand Senior Living, Sacred Patterns Acupuncture, Dr. Moser, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Presentation
Albuquerque Grand Senior Living, Sacred Patterns Acupuncture, Dr. Moser, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Presentation
Albuquerque Grand Senior Living, Sacred Patterns Acupuncture, Dr. Moser, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Presentation
The Albuquerque Grand Senior Living hosted a captivating presentation by Sacred Patterns Acupuncture, shedding light on the intricacies of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The turnout for this event was exceptional, with a delightful group of attendees joining me this afternoon. It was a joy to revisit this esteemed establishment, as familiar faces greeted me warmly. The heartfelt stories shared by individuals who have experienced the transformative power of acupuncture in the past were truly inspiring. I am sincerely grateful for the opportunity to be in their presence and contribute to their well-being. Moving forward, I eagerly anticipate supporting them on their journey to enhanced lives. Once again, heartfelt thanks to the Albuquerque Grand Senior Living and all who graced me with their presence at this remarkable event.
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-Dr. Moser
Dr. Andrew Moser, DOM, MBA

Dr. Andrew Moser, DOM, MBA


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