
The basis of an effective treatment is a proper diagnosis. All treatments include a thorough intake consisting of questions about the condition(s) and the underlying presentation. This will provide insights into the root condition. Treatments primarily focus on a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) style of treating. Depending on the presentation, other styles of treating may be incorporated. These include auricular (ear), scalp (neurological), esoteric (aura balancing), and many others. The goals and treatment plan will be discussed with each patient to ensure the greatest results!

E-stim Acupuncture

Electronic stimulation (e-stim) acupuncture is more of a modern development of utilizing electricity to help muscluloskeletal pain but can also be used to help support healing. This is another wonderful tool in the toolbag to draw from depending on the condition.

Pediatric Acupuncture


Young children can benefit from the gentle non-insertion style of Acupuncture called Shonishin. This style uses specially designed non-insertive needles and tools to help regulate the child's Qi and help with many presentations including conditoins like upset stomach, allergies, and emotions. Special pricing is provided for pediatrics. Please give me call to schedule an appointment!